Organizing Commeettee
Étienne Ghys is a French mathematician. His research focuses mainly on geometry and dynamical systems. He also expresses much interest in the historical development of mathematical ideas, especially the contribution of Henri Poincaré. He co-authored the computer graphics mathematical movie Dimensions: A walk through mathematics. He is is currently a CNRS "directeur de recherche" at the École normale supérieurein Lyon. He is also a member of the French Academy of Sciences. |
Martin Andler teaches mathematics at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin; he has held visiting positions at MIT and Rutgers University. His research focuses on two main areas: representation theory of Lie groups, and the history of 20th century mathematics. He is the chairman of Animath, a French organisation promoting mathematics for kids. |
Jim Carlson is the president of the Clay Mathematics Institute. He is a professor emeritus of the University of Utah. |
Olivier Druet is a researcher in the CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research). He works in the ENS of Lyon, and he's interested in non-linear analysis on manifold, partial differential equations and Riemannian geometry. |
Victor Kleptsyn is a researcher at CNRS, in the Institute of Mathematical Research of Rennes. His working themes are mainly dynamical systems and geometry. His belief is that most arguments, theorems, and proofs in the mathematics should be visual, and easily explicable, at least on the "why should it be true" level of explanation. |
Nicolas Pelay (chair) is a research professor in Paris 7. After an engineering degree in mathematics and computer science and a PhD thesis in didactic of mathematics, he is a founding member and the president of the association "Plaisir Maths". He is a devout advocate of the diffusion of math. |
Nathalie Revol has been educated in France in computer science and applied mathematics. She has been an associate professor at the University of Lille and she is now a research scientist at INRIA. Her main research topic is computer arithmetic, and in particular interval arithmetic and its variants. Her viewpoints range from the mathematical theory to the implementation on computers, including standardization issues, links with verified numerical computations, formal proofs. |
Dierk Schleicher is professor of mathematics at Jacobs University Bremen. He obtained his PhD at Cornell University, NY, and held visiting positions in Berkeley, Stony Brook, Paris, Toronto, and München. His main research interests are in dynamical systems and chaos, especially in holomorphic dynamics and the Mandelbrot set, and the dynamics of Newton's root-finding method. He was one of the main organizers of the 50th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) 2009 in Bremen. |
Sergei Tabachnikov is a professor of mathematics at Penn State University. He works in geometry, topology, and dynamics - one of his favorite topics is mathematical billiards. He also likes to combine theoretical research with computer experiments. He (co)authored several books including "Mathematical Omnibus," a collection of 30 lectures on classic mathematics. Sergei is the Director of the semester-long MASS (Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters) Program at Penn State. |